Tables (upload data)
Insert Data (beta)
Insert the data in a file into a table.
This endpoint is currently in beta, and may change without warning.
To be able to insert into a table, it must have been created with the /create endpoint.
- The data in the files must conform to the schema, and must use the same column names as the schema.
- One successful
request consumes 10 credits.
Supported filetypes
CSV files (Content-Type: text/csv
CSV files must use a comma as delimiter, and the column names in the header must match the column names of the table.
JSON files (Content-Type: application/x-ndjson
These are files where each line is a complete JSON object which creates one table row. Each line must have keys that match the column names of the table.
The API key of your team or user.
Path Parameters
The namespace of the table to insert into (e.g. my_user
The name of the table to insert into (e.g. interest_rates
The file to insert into the table.
The body is of type file
Successful operation
The number of rows that were written to the table.
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